Flutter Bangla Tutorial

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Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive Flutter journey with this 8-hour Bangla tutorial series. Learn why Flutter is a valuable skill, set up your development environment, and create your first project. Explore essential widgets like AppBar, Text, SafeArea, and Container. Master layout techniques using Column, Row, and ListView. Dive into responsive design with MediaQuery and create engaging UIs with Card, GridView, and TabBar. Discover state management using Provider and setState, and implement asynchronous programming. Build practical features like image picking, bottom sheets, and custom dialogs. Enhance your apps with animations, data fetching, and Firebase integration. By the end, you'll be equipped to develop cross-platform mobile applications, change app icons, validate forms, implement AdMob, and generate signed APKs for distribution.


1. ফ্লাটার বাংলা টিউটোরিয়াল পর্ব ১ কেন ফ্লাটার শিখবো ? | why flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
2. Installing flutter on your machine bangla | ফ্লাটার ইনস্টল |flutter easy explanation.
3. How to create a new project in flutter bangla | নতুন ফ্লাটার প্রজেক্ট | flutter easy explanation.
4. Stateless vs Statefull widget in flutter bangla | stateless vs statefull widget.
5. Appbar and Text widget in flutter (bangla) | flutter bangla tutorials.
6. What is Safearea widget in flutter (bangla) | flutter bangla tutorial | easy explanation flutter.
7. Container widget in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
8. Column and Row in flutter(bangla).
9. Singlechildscrollview and listview widget flutter bangla tutorials | flutter bangla flu.
10. Mediaquery for responsive design flutter bangla tutorial | easy explanation flutter.
11. Listtile in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial | easy explanation flutter.
12. What is Stack,Positioned ,Floating action button in flutter | easy explanation flutter.
13. Image from asset and network in flutter | flutter easy explanation.
14. Liquid Swipe in flutter | liquid animation |flutter bangla tutorial.
15. Card and Gridview in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
16. Expanded widget flutter | Responsive ui | easy explanation flutter.
17. Pageview in flutter | easy explanation flutter.
18. Hero widget in flutter | flutter easy explanation.
19. Bottom Navigation Bar in flutter easy explanation.
20. TabBar flutter easy way to understand.
21. Sliverappbar flutter (Easy Explanation).
22. XD to Flutter with XD plugins | Afran.
23. Gradient color in appbar , container flutter | gradient color flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
24. Provider & Setstate in flutter bangla | Provider | flutter bangla tutorial | State Management |.
25. async vs sync in programming | flutter bangla tutorial | asynchronous vs synchronous.
26. Flutter : Image Picker | Load image from camera and gallery | flutter bangla tutorial.
27. Flutter modal bottom sheet bangla | flutter bangla tutorial.
28. Simple Alert Dialog | flutter bangla tutorial.
29. Curved navigation bar flutter | Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar | flutter bangla tutorial | Afran.
30. Custom Dialog in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
31. stream vs future in flutter bangla | flutter bangla tutorial.
32. Snackbar in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
33. Toast in flutter | flutter toast | flutter bangla tutorial.
34. Slider in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
35. RichText in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial | easy explanation flutter.
36. Flutter dropdown button | flutter bangla tutorial.
37. Flutter Dismissable | flutter bangla tutorial | Dismissable Widget.
38. Flutter CheckBox | flutter bangla tutorial | checkbox in flutter.
39. Animated crossfade flutter | flutter animation | flutter bangla tutorial.
40. Switch in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
41. Animated Container in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
42. ExpansionTile widget in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial | expansiontile in flutter.
43. Tooltip widget in flutter | flutter tooltip | flutter bangla tutorial.
44. BackdropFilter in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial | blur in flutter.
45. DateTime picker in flutter | flutter date picker | flutter bangla tutorial.
46. Flutter Transform widget | Transform widget | flutter bangla tutorial.
47. Fetching json data with http request in flutter | fetching json data bangla |.
48. Adobe XD to flutter code 2020 (latest update)| Flutter code from XD | XD to flutter | Afran.
49. DataTable widget in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
50. NavigationRail in flutter | flutter bangla tutorial | Flutter new widget.
51. pass data one page to another page | flutter bangla tutorial.
52. Animated splash screen with Flare | flutter bangla tutorials | Afran.
53. Firebase-Carousel Slider With Dot Indicator | Flutter Bangla Tutorial | Afran.
54. Onboarding Screen with dot indicator flutter | flutter bangla tutorial.
55. Flutter- Shared Preferences in flutter bangla | flutter bangla tutorial.
56. Change Flutter- App Icon And App Name.
57. TextForm Validation Flutter | Flutter bangla tutorial.
58. Flutter-Drawer in bangla | flutter bangla tutorial.
59. Flutter Admob Bangla | flutter bangla tutorial.
60. Flutter Url launcher | flutter bangla tutorial.
61. Flutter- Generate Singed apk | Flutter bangla tutorial | Afran.
62. Flutter- WebView.
63. Responsive Ui with flutter | flutter bangla tutorial | Afran.
64. Flutter Navigation | Routes, PushNamed, Push, PushReplacement | flutter bangla tutorials 2021 |.
65- Flutter Connectivity- Check No Internet, Wi-Fi, Mobile | flutter tutorials #internetconnectivity.

Taught by

Afran Sarkar

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