Fluid Dynamics

Offered By: YouTube


Fluid Dynamics Courses Fluid Mechanics Courses Transport Phenomena Courses Boundary Layers Courses Laminar Flow Courses Navier Stokes Equations Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive 10-hour series of screencasts covering fluid dynamics and transport phenomena. Dive into topics such as the Bernoulli Equation, continuity equations, Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layers, and pipe flow. Learn through detailed derivations, practical examples, and interactive simulations. Gain a deep understanding of fluid mechanics concepts, including laminar flow, pressure drops, drag forces, and multipipe systems. Study coordinate transformations, velocity profiles, and the properties of fluids. Benefit from corrected closed captioning and access additional resources organized by "Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics" on the LearnChemE website.


Bernoulli Equation Derivation.
Simple Bernoulli Equation Example.
Air Flow Through a Constriction.
Draining a Conical Tank.
Draining a Cylindrical Tank.
Flow Rate Out of a Coffee Urn.
Flow Exiting a Tank (Bernoulli).
Draining a Spherical Tank.
Velocity of a Falling Sphere.
Pitot Static Tube Introduction & Example.
Pitot Tube Example.
Derivation of the Continuity Equation.
Deriving Continuity Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates.
Differential Form of Continuity Equation.
Continuity and Stream Functions.
Irrotational & Incompressible Flow.
Naming Normal and Tangential Stresses.
Coordinate Transformations, part 1 - Lecture 3.1 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Coordinate Transformations, part 2 - Lecture 3.2 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Coordinate Transformations, part 3 - Lecture 3.3 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Solve for Equations of Motion.
Velocity Potentials and Stream Functions.
Applying the Navier-Stokes Equations, part 1 - Lecture 4.6 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Applying the Navier-Stokes Equations, part 2 - Lecture 4.7 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Applying the Navier-Stokes Equations, part 3 - Lecture 4.8 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Applying the Navier-Stokes Equations, part 4 - Lecture 4.9 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Boundary Conditions for a Velocity Profile.
Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates (Navier-Stokes).
Shear Stress between Parallel Plates.
Energy Loss for Flow through Non-Circular Duct.
Entrance Length Example.
Entrance Region vs. Fully Developed Flow.
Fully Developed Laminar Flow (Using Force Balance).
Losses & Friction Factors, part 1 - Lecture 6.1 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Losses & Friction Factors, part 2 - Lecture 6.2 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Losses & Friction Factors, part 3 - Lecture 6.3 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Losses & Friction Factors, part 4 - Lecture 6.4 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics.
Pipe Flow Introduction.
Pipe Flow Problem (Determine Diameter).
Pipe Flow Computer Solver (Determine Diameter).
Pipe Flow: Determining Power.
Pipe Flow: Entrance Region & Entrance Length.
Pressure Drop in a Pipe (Laminar Flow).
Pressure Drop in Pipe with Losses (Determine Pressure Drop).
Pressure Drop in Pipe with Losses (Determine Q).
Using a Moody Chart.
Volumetric Flow Rate for Laminar Pipe Flow.
Blasius Solution for the y-Component of Velocity.
Boundary Layer Example Problem.
Boundary Layers.
Drag Force on an Irregular Object.
Lift and Drag on Aircraft.
Pressure Drag.
Shear Stress at a Wall: Blasius Solutions.
y-Component of Velocity at a Boundary Layer.
Description and Derivation of the Navier-Stokes Equations.
Integral Form of the Continuity Equation - Moving Control Volume.
Introduction to the Integral Form of the Continuity Equation.
Integral Form of the Continuity Equation - Branched System.
Blasius Solution for Boundary Layer Flow.
Example of Blasius Solution for Boundary Layer Flow.
Using Boundary Conditions.
Couette Flow.
Density Example Problem.
Properties of Fluids Part 1.
Properties of Fluids Part 2.
Flow in a Pipe.
Barometer Example.
Velocity Profile in the z-direction.
Equivalent Length.
Equivalent Length Example.
Multipipe Systems.
Multipipes in Series.
Bernoulli Equation and Pipe Flow (Interactive Simulation).
Multipipe in Parallel.
Surface Roughness Effect on Trajectory (Interactive Simulation).
Velocity and Drag on a Falling Object (Interactive Simulation).
Vectors (Interactive Simulation).
Calculating Velocity in a Pipe with Viscous Flow.
Calculating Pipe Velocity Example.
Buoyancy of a Floating Cube (Interactive Simulation).
Flow around a Sphere at Low Reynolds Number (Interactive Simulation).
Couette Flow (Interactive Simulation).
Manometers (Interactive Simulation).

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