Flash Loans, Miner Extractable Value and Efficient Settlement - Joint with Alfred Lehar
Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of blockchain technology and its impact on financial systems in this 33-minute seminar from the 2021-2022 Blockchain Research Series. Join Christine Parlour from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley as she delves into flash loans, miner extractable value, and efficient settlement. Gain insights into the challenges posed by Ethereum, consensus stability in decentralized systems, and the complexities of settlement processes. Examine the arbitrage problem, Nash Equilibrium, and the settlers' dilemma in private markets. Discover empirical findings on flash loans, including average loan sizes and summary statistics. Investigate the role of bots and private transactions in this evolving landscape. Enhance your understanding of cutting-edge blockchain concepts and their implications for the future of finance.
Dark Forest
Why is Ethereum scary
Bad for the system
Consensus stability
Decentralized Systems
What is Settlement
Arbitrage Problem
Nash Equilibrium
Settlers Problem
Private Market
Empirical Work
Flash Loans
Average Loan Size
Summary Statistics
Flash Loan
Private Transactions
Taught by
Fields Institute
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