Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces - An Overview

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore the fundamental concepts of finite dimensional vector spaces in this comprehensive lecture by S. Lakshmivarahan. Gain a solid understanding of vector space theory, including key properties, operations, and applications. Delve into topics such as linear independence, basis, dimension, and subspaces. Learn how these mathematical structures form the foundation for various fields, including linear algebra, data analysis, and machine learning. Enhance your mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills through this in-depth overview of finite dimensional vector spaces, presented as part of the Workshop on Data Assimilation in Weather and Climate Models organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences.


Finite Dimentional Vectore Spaces: An Overview by S. Lakshmivarahan

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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