Finishing Up the Stack Overflow Project - Implementing Upvoting and User Reputation

Offered By: Hitesh Choudhary via YouTube


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Course Description


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Dive into the final stages of building a Stack Overflow clone in this comprehensive video tutorial. Learn how to implement a complex upvoting system, manage user preferences, and handle reputation scores. Master the intricacies of designing algorithms for vote handling, including upvoting, downvoting, and vote reversal. Explore the process of creating and managing API routes for robust vote management. Gain insights into updating user reputation based on contributions and checking vote status. Review key components of the Stack Overflow clone and finalize the project. Access the complete codebase on GitHub to further enhance your skills in Next.js and Appwrite while building a fully functional Stack Overflow replica from scratch.


Finishing up the stackoverflow project | 3 videos merged

Taught by

Hitesh Choudhary

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