흑백의 균형 속 조화를 찾다 - 폰트 디자인과 지역 활성화
Offered By: TEDx via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricate world of font design in this 20-minute TEDx talk by Jeong Eun Lee. Delve into the delicate balance between black letters and white spaces in everyday typography. Discover how the intense adjustment process in font design creates harmony within the black and white realm. Learn about the development of the Gaehang-ro font, a project that transformed a potentially overlooked local area into a vibrant, dynamic space. Gain insights into how typography can breathe new life into communities and the power of believing in local potential.
흑백의 균형 속 조화를 찾다 (Finding the harmony among the balance of black and white) | Jeong Eun Lee | TEDxSNU
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