Finding Space to Think in an Always-On World

Offered By: Collision Conference via YouTube


Collision Conference Courses Time Management Courses Productivity Courses Creativity Courses Digital Wellbeing Courses

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Explore techniques for fostering creativity and making time to think in our hyper-connected world through this 23-minute conference talk from Collision Conference. Join Layne Braunstein of Fake Love, Edith Harbaugh of LaunchDarkly, Natan Edelsburg of The Drum, and Bas Wouterse of Telm as they share their strategies for carving out mental space amidst the constant influx of information and distractions. Discover how these industry leaders navigate the challenges of staying innovative and thoughtful in an environment where outside noise is increasingly pervasive and demanding. Gain valuable insights on maintaining focus, nurturing creativity, and finding balance in the digital age.


Finding space to think in an always-on world

Taught by

Collision Conference

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