Finding Balance - Implementing Effective Processes in Engineering Teams
Offered By: LeadDev via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the delicate balance of implementing effective processes in engineering teams through this insightful conference talk from LeadDev New York 2024. Discover how to create processes that enhance team operations and foster engineer ownership without becoming overly burdensome. Learn to adapt processes based on team size, work type, and collaboration methods, recognizing that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Understand the importance of evolving processes alongside team needs and the intricate relationship between culture and process. Examine real-world examples of both light and heavy-handed processes, and gain strategies for course correction. Delve into planning processes, from high-level strategies to weekly execution, with a focus on the crucial tech spec phase. Acquire techniques for empowering engineers to build their own sprints and measure velocity without feeling micromanaged. Ultimately, gain insights on setting clear goals and expectations that promote engineer ownership and drive team success.
Finding balance | Julianna Lamb | LeadDev New York 2024
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