Figma Midjourney Animation Tutorial - Parallax Effect
Offered By: Igor Vensko Tutorials via YouTube
Course Description
Learn to create captivating parallax animations in Figma using Midjourney-generated images and mp4 video in this comprehensive tutorial. Explore the design process, animation techniques, and smart animate features in Figma, as well as video editing in Photoshop. Master the art of adding dynamic parallax effects to website designs, from crafting the initial screens to implementing zoom animations and logo sections. Gain insights into using Midjourney for image generation, and discover time-saving tools to enhance your workflow. By the end of this 55-minute video, apply these advanced animation techniques to elevate your own design projects.
First screen
Second screen
Third screen
Last screen
Free prototyping tool
Zoom animation
Logos section
Taught by
Igor Vensko Tutorials
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