FHE and Private Set Intersection
Offered By: Simons Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the evolution and applications of Private Set Intersection (PSI) in this 53-minute lecture by Peter Rindal from Visa Research. Delve into the shortcomings of prior work and discover innovative solutions like Cuckoo Hashing and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). Learn about equality tests, membership verification, and optimization techniques such as FHE Batching and Splitting. Examine security considerations including malicious receiver scenarios and OPRF preprocessing. Investigate advanced concepts like Labeled PSI and PSI with Shared Output, and gain insights into the performance implications of these techniques in the field of cryptography and secure computation.
Private Set Intersection (PSI)
App: Contact discovery
A Sampling of PSI Over the Decades
Shortcomings of Prior Work
Cuckoo Hashing
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)
Equality Test from FHE
Windowing computing y
Membership from FHE
Optimization: FHE Batching
Final Protocol
Optimization: Splitting
Malicious Receiver
OPRF Preprocessing
Not a bug, it's a feature
Labeled PSI
PSI with Shared Output
Taught by
Simons Institute
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