Particle Acceleration, Transport, and Loss in the Radiation Belts - 2012 AGU Fall Meeting
Offered By: AGU via YouTube
Course Description
Explore particle acceleration, transport, and loss processes in Earth's radiation belts and ring current through this comprehensive 2-hour conference session from the 2012 AGU Fall Meeting. Delve into multipoint measurements of anisotropic electrons, whistler waves, and radiation belt electrons. Examine the latest findings from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes mission, including results from the EMFISIS and ECT instrument suites. Investigate inner radiation belt particle acceleration and energy structuring by drift resonance with ULF waves during geomagnetic storms. Analyze simulation studies of particle dynamics in the radiation belts and ring current. Learn about Pc 1-2 waves observed at geosynchronous orbit and on the ground at subauroral latitudes, and their dependence on local time and storm phase. Discover the effects of MLT-dependent electron loss rates on inner magnetosphere electrodynamics and plasma sheet penetration. Gain insights into electric fields and waves in the dynamic inner magnetosphere through invited talks and detailed presentations on various aspects of radiation belt physics.
Mission Overview
Science Objectives
Energy Spectrum
Helium injection
Directional data
Web site
Data availability
Craig Kletzing
Wave Measurements
Burst Captures
Wave Normal Analysis
Chorus Power
Wavenormal Analysis
Rept Data
Dr Shavod
Location of peaks
Magnetic active activity
Constant drift period
Plasma pause crossing
Peak energy variation
Wrap up
Proton Distribution
Proton Spectra
How I Stopped Worrying
ECT Instruments
Time History
lobe encounters
mag ice instruments
Taught by
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