Quantum Thermodynamics and Relativistic Hydrodynamics for Relativistic Systems - Lecture 1
Offered By: Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Delve into the intricate world of quantum thermodynamics and relativistic hydrodynamics in this comprehensive lecture, the first in a series. Explore advanced concepts in physics as presented by F. Becattini, covering the intersection of quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and relativistic phenomena. Gain insights into how these fundamental theories apply to relativistic systems, enhancing your understanding of modern physics. Over the course of nearly two hours, engage with complex ideas and mathematical frameworks that form the foundation for studying high-energy physics and cosmology.
F.Becattini: "Quantum Thermodynamics and Relativistic Hydrodynamics for Relativistic ..."-Lecture I
Taught by
Galileo Galilei Institute
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