F# as a Better Python

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Web Development Courses Python Courses F# Courses TensorFlow Courses ASP.NET Core Courses Productivity Courses Jupyter Notebooks Courses Functional Programming Courses

Course Description


Explore how F# can serve as a superior alternative to Python in this NDC Oslo 2020 conference talk. Discover the advantages of F# for web development, data scripting, and machine learning, addressing common Python challenges such as lack of static typing and environment setup issues. Learn about F#'s functional programming paradigm, its seamless integration with .NET Core, and its ability to leverage Python's ecosystem. Gain insights into F#'s strengths in web development using ASP.NET Core and Giraffe, as well as its capabilities in JavaScript and WebAssembly. Delve into F# 5's emphasis on interactive programming, its enhanced support for analytical workloads, and its first-class integration with Jupyter Notebooks and VS Code. Compare F# and Python's shared features, such as concise code and convenient collection handling, while highlighting F#'s unique strengths. By the end, acquire a solid understanding of how F# can enhance your development workflow and potentially replace Python in various domains.


F# in a nutshell The functional language for .NET
F# in a nutshell The functional language for NET
F# is awesome on the server ASP.NET Core is a high-performance web server with native F# bindings Giraffe
E# to JavaScript Fable
E# to WASM Bolero MVU apps that run in web assembly Build on NET web assembly Hot Reloading
F#5 emphasizes Interactive programming Analytical workloads Great fundamentals
E# 5 dials it up a notch Simple package references First-class in Jupyter Notebooks First-class in V5Code Notebooks
F# and notebooks Simple acquisition and installation Simple package references
What's that mean? Data access Data manipulation
F# and Python share some things Get stuff done with less code Working with collections is generally convenient Groundwork for an excellent library ecosystem
F# as a better Python F# is already great for the web F#5 marks a new era for the language Interactive programming

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NDC Conferences

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