Exploring Patterns to Debug Your Life

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Personal Development Courses Career Development Courses Self Improvement Courses Relationship Management Courses

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Explore how to identify and debug life patterns in this insightful conference talk from NDC London 2023. Learn to recognize recurring patterns in your career, customer relations, and personal life, drawing parallels between life experiences and the tech world. Discover how positive patterns lead to success and inspiration, while negative ones can result in bore-out, burnout, or worse. Join speakers Dennie Declercq and Miriam Perrone, a Belgian expert on autism, as they guide you through the process of identifying life patterns using metaphors from coding, engineering, and business. Gain valuable insights on how to debug these patterns by changing your lifestyle and thought processes, much like debugging code. Apply these techniques to improve your personal and professional life, and learn to approach challenges with a fresh perspective.


Exploring patterns to Debug Your Life - Dennie Declercq & Miriam Perrone - NDC London 2023

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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