Exploring Clustering Algorithms in Machine Learning
Offered By: NashKnolX via YouTube
Course Description
Dive into the fascinating world of clustering algorithms in machine learning through this 41-minute session. Explore various clustering algorithms, their underlying principles, and real-world applications. Begin with an introduction to clustering and its uses, then delve into different types including partition-based, density-based, distribution-based, hierarchical, and fuzzy clustering. Learn about the K-means algorithm, understanding what K represents, how it works, and how to interpret results. Discover techniques for plotting variation and selecting good parameters. Gain valuable insights into the inner workings of clustering algorithms and their practical implementation in data analysis and pattern recognition tasks.
Knowledge Etiquette
What is clustering
How can we use clustering
Types of clustering
Partitionbased clustering
Densitybased clustering
Distributionbased clustering
Hierarchical clustering
Fuzzy clustering
Clustering Algorithms
What is K
How Kmeans works
Plotting Variation
Good Parameters
How it works
Taught by
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