Expansion of Higher-Dimensional Cubical Complexes with Application to Good Quantum Locally Testable Codes

Offered By: Simons Institute via YouTube


Quantum Error Correction Courses Information Theory Courses Quantum Gravity Courses Quantum PCPs Courses

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Explore a 39-minute lecture by David Lin from UC San Diego on the expansion of higher-dimensional cubical complexes and their application to quantum locally testable codes. Delve into a construction that achieves optimal parameters up to polylogs, generalizing the Sipser-Spielman expander codes and recent breakthroughs in qLDPC codes and classical locally testable codes. Learn about the connections between quantum complexity, quantum PCP, area laws, and quantum gravity as part of the Simons Institute's series on Quantum Complexity. Gain insights into the latest advancements in quantum error correction and the potential implications for quantum computing and information theory.


Expansion of Higher-Dimensional Cubical Complexes With Application To Good ...

Taught by

Simons Institute

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