Evaluating the Energy Footprint of GitOps Architectures - A Benchmark Analysis

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


GitOps Courses Sustainability Courses Environmental Impact Courses Energy Consumption Courses Benchmarking Courses Carbon Footprint Courses Green Software Courses Kepler Courses

Course Description


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Explore the energy consumption and environmental impact of GitOps architectures in this conference talk. Dive into a comparative analysis of energy usage and CO2 emissions in various software deployment methodologies. Learn about benchmarking techniques using Kepler for measuring pod-level power consumption metrics. Gain insights into the energy efficiency of different approaches and understand the trade-offs involved. Discover the implications for cloud native environments and make informed decisions on eco-friendly deployment strategies. Examine topics such as GitOps carbon footprint, market drivers, community momentum, the Green Software Foundation, carbon dashboards, and test environments. Understand challenges and lessons learned in evaluating the energy footprint of GitOps, and explore the potential for more sustainable software deployment practices.


GitOps Carbon Footprint
Drivers and Markets
Community Momentum
The Green Software Foundation
Carbon Dashboards
Test Environment
Idle Dashboard
Why not Flux
Last reconciliation scenario
Challenges Lessons Learned

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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