Erlang Tutorial

Offered By: YouTube


Erlang Courses Functional Programming Courses

Course Description


Dive into the world of Erlang programming with this comprehensive 8-hour tutorial. Learn essential concepts such as Erlang processes, data types, functions, modules, and recursion. Explore advanced topics including anonymous functions, custom control abstractions, list comprehensions, and built-in functions. Master error handling, dynamic code loading, and practical applications like creating a simple key-value database and implementing Conway's Game of Life. Gain hands-on experience with string manipulation, records, maps, and case expressions while developing a strong foundation in Erlang programming techniques.


Gettings started with Erlang
Erlang processes
Erlang tutorial: integers, floats, atoms and variables
Tuples in Erlang
Erlang lists
Erlang tutorial: Strings, string formatting and string module
Erlang Tutorial: Functions and Modules
Erlang Tutorial: Recursion
Erlang tutorial: funs (anonymous functions)
Erlang tutorial: Having funs with Erlang
Erlang Tutorial: custom control abstractions
Erlang Tutorial: Lists Comprehensions
Erlang tutorial: BIFs or Build-in Functions
Erlang tutorial: Guards and Guard Sequences
Erlang tutorial: case expression
Erlang tutorial: If Expression
Erlang Tutorial: Records
Erlang Tutorial: Maps
Erlang tutorial: practical example of using maps and processes
Erlang tutorial: Erdis, simple key-value database in Erlang
Erlang Tutorial: Conway's Game of Life
Erlang tutorial: Error handling
Erlang tutorial: Dynamic Code Loading
Palindrome in Erlang

Taught by

Erlang Tutorial

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