Embracing WebGPU and WebXR with Three.js

Offered By: JavaScript Conferences by GitNation via YouTube


Three.js Courses Web Development Courses Javascript Courses Augmented Reality Courses Virtual Reality Courses 3D Graphics Courses WebXR Courses WebGPU Courses

Course Description


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Explore the cutting-edge advancements in web technologies with this conference talk from JSNation 2024. Dive into the world of WebGPU and WebXR, guided by the Three.js library, and discover how these technologies are revolutionizing 3D web experiences. Learn about WebGPU, a next-generation graphics API that enhances performance and efficiency for rendering 3D graphics in browsers. Understand how Three.js is adapting to leverage WebGPU's full potential, enabling developers to create visually stunning interactive experiences. Delve into WebXR and its capabilities for bringing virtual and augmented reality experiences directly to the web. Gain insights into how Three.js empowers creators to build immersive experiences using these cutting-edge technologies.


Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js – Mr.doob, JSNation 2024

Taught by

JavaScript Conferences by GitNation

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