Embracing Modern CMake

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Computer Science Courses Software Development Courses C++ Courses CMake Courses Cross-Platform Development Courses

Course Description


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Explore modern CMake idioms, tooling, and future directions in this comprehensive conference talk. Learn how to leverage the new set of APIs introduced in recent CMake versions to achieve conceptual consistency, simplicity, and modularity in your build system code. Discover the advantages of 'Modern CMake' over legacy approaches, enabling easier, more understandable, and maintainable code. Gain the ability to recognize legacy code and make refactoring steps to improve your build system. Ideal for C and C++ developers working with multi-platform projects, this talk provides valuable insights into best practices that have evolved over CMake's 15-year history, particularly in the last six years.


Embracing Modern CMake - Stephen Kelly

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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