What I'd Like to See in Emacs

Offered By: EmacsConf and Emacs hangouts via YouTube


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Engage in a comprehensive Q&A session with Richard M. Stallman from EmacsConf 2022, exploring a wide range of topics related to Emacs, free software, and programming. Delve into discussions about the future of GNU, the suitability of Emacs Lisp for general-purpose programming, WYSIWYG editor support, and the challenges of maintaining free software projects. Gain insights on expanding Emacs' user base, addressing language barriers, and the role of freedom in software development. Explore Stallman's thoughts on modal editing, large machine learning models, and the balance between content and style in information presentation. This hour-long session covers pragmatic concerns of free software advocates, technical aspects of Emacs development, and philosophical questions about software freedom and its impact on society.


.800 Pragmatically, how are people that buy into these ideals, and especially those that build the software, meant to live/thrive?
.600 Have you planned how to manage the GNU project in the long run?
.520 Can you fairly consider rejection of JavaScript as a tool conducive to improving the state of free JavaScript?
.000 With all the recent additions and optimizations to Emacs Lisp lexical scoping, native compilation etc. would you deem Emacs Lisp suitable for general purpose programming outside Emacs i.e. scripting, running web servers. If not, why?
.760 Could you give a few examples of the medium-sized jobs necessary for WYSIWYG-editor support in Emacs?
.480 Should GNU or someone else define a safe-subset of HTML/CSS/JS to make web browsers simpler and safer e.g. by preventing JS from contacting servers?
.440 How can we ensure the continuity of an understanding of the more arcane parts of the [Emacs] source code, and increase their evolvability, notably with regards to display, single-threading limitations, etc.?
.480 Are there any problems or disadvantages using the GNU AGPL for non-networked software like Emacs packages?
.280 Is there a list of Emacs issues which can be solved by programmers with different levels? For example my level is A, I know basic elisp and C. How can I help?
.840 What roadblocks kept some of the other efforts from being used with Emacs?
.240 What do you use emacs for beyond editing?
.120 Song about e-mail
.556 Do you have any thoughts on how to expand the user base more broadly even among software developers?
.760 Would a namespace system similar to Common Lisp packages but without :USE work in Emacs?
.440 With Emacs 29 adding more awesome features into vanilla Emacs, how should we ensure vanilla Emacs does not get bloated with many similar features? example: ido/icomplete, vc/magit
.920 Do you recommend reaching out in [high] schools for volunteers instead of universities because they are more prone to value the objectives of freedom?
.040 What was the thought process behind making Emacs Lisp dynamically scoped when you first created it? What advantages did it provide over the alternative?
.766 It's hard to pick up Emacs if you do not speak English. Can something be done to address that?
.840 Do you use Org or Org mode, and if so, to what extent?
.480 What do you have in mind for more modular Emacs development?
.040 Reframing the school question
.640 In light of that critique of JavaScript not being about the language per se but rather the "culture of blindly getting and running packages/libraries", what's so different with what's currently done by the vast majority of Emacs/Elisp users to just install packages blindly?
.800 Do you still intend to merge your patch to the "shorthands" feature to the master branch?
.880 Do you think the freedom e.g., we have in Emacs, becomes a hurdle for some people to pursue more important things in the world?
.920 Question about software freedom: how does it apply to software that are art/media experiences, like videogames? In your view, Is the creator of a videogame obliged to release it under a free license?
.915 Have you seen Haketilo? It seems similar to LibreJS.
.568 Do you have any suggestions for helping propective contributers streamline
.800 Can complexity induced by company-funded free/libre code become a problem, when the company pulls out, leaving the code potentially unmaintainable?
.280 What do you think of Hyperbole or EEV instead of org mode, or other things for the stuff that org mode does "second brain / knowledge base", or GTD 'getting things done' etc... among other things in Emacs or other Emacs packages
.251 Are there plans to bring modal editing eg. evil-mode, viper to Emacs core and did your opinion on modal editing change over the years?
.000 What is your opinion on the current state of large machine
.302 I thought it was a virtue to separate the content from the style orappearance of information. Part of being free is also to view information in the format that you want. Does your WYSIWYG idea erode this virtue and lead to more thinking -- perhaps undue thinking about style over substance?
.840 Do you ever dabble in retro-computing, e.g. logging into TOPS10/20 systems SDF, etc?
.196 Do you know Gemini?
.480 stallmansupport.org

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EmacsConf and Emacs hangouts

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