Cherenkov Telescope Array and the ASTRI Mini-Array
Offered By: ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the cutting-edge Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and the ASTRI Mini-Array in this comprehensive lecture by Elisabete Dal Pino from IAG-USP, Brazil. Delivered as part of the Latin-American School on CTA Science at ICTP-SAIFR in March 2023, this hour-long presentation delves into the latest advancements in gamma-ray astronomy. Gain insights into the innovative technology behind these telescopes and their potential to revolutionize our understanding of high-energy astrophysical phenomena. Learn about the scientific goals, design principles, and expected outcomes of the CTA project, with a special focus on the ASTRI Mini-Array's role in enhancing our observational capabilities. Suitable for astronomy enthusiasts, students, and researchers interested in the forefront of cosmic ray detection and gamma-ray astrophysics.
Elisabete Dal Pino: Cherenkov Telescope Array & the ASTRI Mini-Array
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