EGSTRA: E-Graph-Based Strategy for Test Suite Reduction and Abstraction

Offered By: ACM SIGPLAN via YouTube


Software Testing Courses JSON Courses E-Graphs Courses

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Explore an innovative application of e-graphs in software testing through this 25-minute conference talk presented at EGRAPHS 2024. Delve into EGSTRA, a novel approach for test suite reduction and abstraction developed by researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Learn how this method combines term refinement and equality rules to distill large, complex program inputs into smaller, more manageable test suites while preserving essential features for testing. Discover the implementation details of their e-graph system, which utilizes a JSON term representation and supports term deletion, rule application, and term extraction. Gain insights into the potential impact of this ongoing research project on program analysis and transformation tools, particularly in handling large-scale programs. Presented as part of the ACM SIGPLAN-sponsored EGRAPHS 2024 workshop on June 24, 2024.


[EGRAPHS24] EGSTRA: E-Graph-Based Strategy for Test Suite Reduction and Abstraction

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