Economic Philosophy in One Minute
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Course Description
Austrian Economics and Keynesianism (Keynesian Economics) Explained in One Minute.
The Tragedy of the Commons Explained in One Minute.
Moral Hazard Explained in One Minute: AIG Bailout, General Motors Bailout, Bank Bailouts, etc..
Game Theory Explained in One Minute.
Capitalism, Socialism and Communism Explained in One Minute.
The Paradox of Thrift (Underconsumption and Oversaving) Explained in One Minute.
Systemic Risk (Too Big to Fail) Explained in One Minute.
Currency Wars (Competitive Currency Devaluations) Explained in One Minute.
Minimalism and Frugality Compared in One Minute.
Tangible and Intangible Assets Compared in One Minute.
The Economics Behind Doing/Fixing Things Yourself (DIY) vs. Hiring a Professional in One Minute.
Nassim Taleb's Theory of Black Swan Events Explained in One Minute.
Adam Smith's* Invisible Hand Explained in One Minute: Definition, Theory & Controversies.
Democrats vs. Republicans: The Economics Behind the Republican and Democratic Parties in One Minute.
The Universal (AKA Guaranteed or Unconditional) Basic Income Explained in One Minute.
Thomas Malthus (Malthusianism): Does Population Growth Lead to Food Shortages & Resource Depletion?.
Bitcoin (BTC) vs. Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): Will You Sell or Hold Your Bitcoin Cash? [One Minute News].
Ayn Rand (The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged) Analyzed in One Minute: From Biography to Philosophy.
Left-Wing Anarchism and Right-Wing Anarchism (Anarcho-Capitalism) Defined, Explained and Compared.
Are Taxes Fair? The Redistribution of Wealth via Taxation Explained in One Minute.
"Intrinsic Value" Defined and Explained in One Minute: Labor vs. Subjective Theory of Value.
Gresham' s Law (Thomas Gresham) and Thiers' Law (Adolphe Thiers) Explained & Compared in One Minute.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (FDR's) New Deal Explained in One Minute.
Say's Law (Jean-Baptiste Say) Explained in One Minute: Aggregate Supply = Aggregate Demand?.
Loss Aversion and the Sunk Cost Fallacy Defined & Explained in One Minute.
The Nash Equilibrium (A Beautiful Mind, John Nash): Definition, Explanation & Examples in One Minute.
Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" Explained in One Minute: Goals, Programs, Effects & Controversy.
The Scientific Method in One Minute: Definition, Explanation, Steps and Examples in Research/Science.
Capital Controls (Limiting Inflows and Outflows) in One Minute: Definition, Explanation and Examples.
China (PRC) Under Mao Zedong and the Communist Party (CPC): Great Leap Forward + Cultural Revolution.
China After Mao Zedong in One Minute: From Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping to Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.
Autarky (Closed Economy*) vs. FreeTrade: Definitions, Explanation/Comparison and Examples.
The Gig Economy Explained in One Minute: Definition, Job Examples (Uber, Fiverr, Freelancer), etc..
Deduction vs. Induction (Deductive/Inductive Reasoning): Definition/Meaning, Explanation & Examples.
Logical Fallacies in One Minute: Non Sequitur, Ad Hominem, Red Herring, Straw Man and Slippery Slope.
David Ricardo in One Minute: Biography (Life, Activity, Death/Legacy) + Economic Philosophy/Theories.
The Greater Fool Theory Explained in One Minute: From "Definition" (Meaning) to Examples.
John Maynard Keynes in One Minute: From Biography to Economic Theory.
Confirmation Bias in Decision Making Explained in One Minute: From Definition/Meaning to Examples.
Barriers to Entry Explained in One Minute: Definition, Examples and Monopoly/Competition Concerns.
Milton Friedman's Work/Career (Theory, Books, Politics, etc.) and Monetarism Explained in One Minute.
Unfunded Liabilities Explained in One Minute: From Definition to Tricky Unfunded Liability Examples.
Unfunded Liabilities Explained in One Minute: From Definition to Tricky Unfunded Liability Examples.
Value Investing Explained in One Minute: The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett?.
Value Investing Explained in One Minute: The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett?.
The Lindy Effect Explained in One Minute: From Albert Goldman to Nassim Taleb, & Gold to... Bitcoin?.
The Coase Theorem Explained: Coasean Bargaining Definition, Conditions/Assumptions and Examples.
The Dunning-Kruger (David Dunning/Justin Kruger) Effect Explained: Definition/Meaning, Examples, ....
The Resource Curse (Paradox of Plenty) Explained: Definition/Meaning, Examples (Dutch Disease), etc..
Index Funds (John Bogle & Others) Explained in One Minute: Definition, Types, Examples & Performance.
A Market for Lemons: George Akerlof, Information Asymmetry, Imperfect Information & Market Failures.
Risk-On and Risk-Off (Safe Haven) Assets Explained: From Bonds (US Treasuries) to (Crypto)Currencies.
Why and How Do Asset Prices Collapse? Minsky Moments (Hyman Minsky) Explained in One Minute.
How Low Can Interest Rates Go? A One Minute Perspective on "Modern-Day" Central Banking Limits.
Was the COVID-19 Pandemic a Black Swan or White Swan Event?.
Deglobalization Explained in One Minute: Definition, Examples and 2020 Context.
Deglobalization Explained in One Minute: Definition, Examples and 2020 Context.
Why the Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent... Explained in One Minute.
Why the Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent... Explained in One Minute.
Why the Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent... Explained in One Minute.
The Wealth Effect Theory Explained in One Minute: Will/Should You Spend More If You "Feel" Richer?.
Can Governments and Central Banks Defeat the Business Cycle? A "New Paradigm" in One Minute.
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Explained in One Minute.
The Economics (?) Behind Polarization Explained in One Minute.
Taught by
One Minute Economics
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