Earth's Seasons: Earth's Tilt and Orbital Mechanics - Lecture 5

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Climate Change Courses Greenhouse Effect Courses Orbital Mechanics Courses

Course Description


Explore Earth's climate dynamics in this comprehensive lecture on the causes of seasons and orbital influences. Delve into the Phanerozoic climate change, examining evidence of greenhouse warmth 100 million years ago and the Cretaceous target signal. Analyze orbital parameters like obliquity, precession, and ellipticity, and their long-term changes. Investigate the effects of increased tilt on polar regions, Earth's wobble, and the precession of its axis. Study apsidal precession, extreme solstice positions, and insolation variations. Examine the complexities of overlapping cycles and tectonic-scale orbital changes. Learn about Kepler's Laws and orbital mechanics. Discover major monsoon systems and their response to orbital forcing. Gain insights into the conceptual model of monsoon response to summer insolation, and remember the crucial role of the Coriolis Effect in climate systems.


Time: AM
Earth's Seasons: Earth's tilt, not orbit, causes seasons Lecture - 5
Phanerozoic Climate Change
Figure 6-2 Evidence of greenhouse warmth 100 Myr ago
Figure 6-3 The Cretaceous target signal
Orbital Parameters: Obliquity, Precession, Ellipticity
Modulation of cycles Amplitude modulation
Description of wave behavior
Long-term changes in tilt & Effects of increased tilt on polar regions
Long term changes in Eccentricity, Earth's wobble & Precession of Earth's axis
Apsidal Precession or Precession of Ellipse
Figure 8-13 Extreme solstice positions
Figure 8-14 The precessional index
Figure 8-15 Long-term changes in precession
Figure 8-16 June and December insolation variations
Figure 8-17 Phasing of insolation maxima and minima
Figure 8-20 Complication from overlapping cycles
Figure 8-23 Tectonic-scale orbital changes
Orbital Mechanics: Keppler's Laws
Figure 9-12 Major monsoon systems
Obital Forcing of the Monsoons
Figure 9-5 Conceptual model of monsoon response to summer insolation
Remember the Coriolis Effect

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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