Dungeons, Dragons and Functions

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses F# Courses Software Engineering Courses Functional Programming Courses Domain Modeling Courses Dungeons & Dragons Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intersection of Dungeons & Dragons and functional programming in this 59-minute conference talk. Dive into domain modeling using F# to tackle the complex ruleset of D&D. Learn practical tips and tricks for functional programming while following along on an epic adventure. Discover how to use discriminated unions, pattern matching, and other F# features to model game elements like abilities, modifiers, and weapons. Examine approaches to handling complex scenarios such as wyvern attacks and determining fair fights. Gain insights from functional programming experts and consider alternative modeling strategies. By the end, you'll have a deeper understanding of both D&D mechanics and functional domain modeling techniques.


Origin Story
Ogres, Goblins, & Company
Discriminated Union
Pattern Matching
Pattern Match to extract data
Wyvern attacks
Light, Heavy Weapons
Tomas Petricek
What is a fair fight?
Modeling (4)
Scott Wlaschin
What's missing?
Thank You! (Cast Bless)

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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