UV Quasar Main Sequence - Exploring the Eigenvector 1 Sequence in Active Galactic Nuclei
Offered By: Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the UV Quasar Main Sequence in this 41-minute colloquium presented by Dr. Mary Loli Martinez Aldama from the Astronomy Department at Universidad de ConcepciĆ³n, Chile. Delve into the spectroscopic properties of type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei, including Quasars and Seyfert 1 galaxies, and their organization within the optical Eigenvector 1 sequence (EV1). Examine the non-linear correlation between the velocity field of gas surrounding supermassive black holes and the ionization level of the gas. Discover how the behavior found in the optical EV1 sequence translates to a UV Eigenvector 1 sequence, using UV emission lines AlIII1980 and UV FeIII from a sample of approximately 500 objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM). Learn about the Eddington ratio's role as the main driver of spectral behavior and how these findings confirm the existence of a quasar main sequence in broadband. Gain insights into identifying AGN subpopulations and understanding the differences in their physical properties through this comprehensive exploration of the UV Quasar Main Sequence.
Dr M. L. Martinez Aldama (Astronomy Dep., Universidad de ConcepciĆ³n, Chile): UV Quasar Main Sequence
Taught by
Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN
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