Quantum Sensors Operated in Real Time

Offered By: Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN via YouTube


Quantum Sensors Courses Bayesian Inference Courses Quantum Metrology Courses Gravitational Wave Detection Courses

Course Description


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Explore the cutting-edge advancements in quantum sensing technology through this 49-minute colloquium presented by Dr Jan Kołodyński from the Centre of New Technologies at the University of Warsaw. Delve into the world of real-time quantum sensors and their applications in detecting gravitational waves, fluctuating magnetic fields, and more. Discover how combining continuously monitored quantum sensors with statistical inference methods can enhance sensitivity in real-time operations. Learn about the use of non-classical photon correlations in optomechanical sensors and the application of Bayesian inference to boost sensitivity. Examine the implementation of Extended Kalman Filtering and measurement-based feedback in optically pumped atomic magnetometers to maintain quantum-enhanced sensitivity and create highly entangled spin-squeezed states for efficient tracking of fluctuating magnetic fields. Gain insights into the latest research findings from Dr Kołodyński's group, bridging the gap between quantum metrology breakthroughs and practical real-world applications.


Dr Jan Kołodyński (CeNT, University of Warsaw): Quantum sensors operated in real time

Taught by

Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN

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