Dockerizing Aurea - Migrating Legacy Applications to Containers

Offered By: Docker via YouTube


Docker Courses DevOps Courses Linux Courses Windows Courses Virtualization Courses Cloud Migration Courses Containerization Courses

Course Description


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Explore the journey of Aurea's migration from virtualized infrastructure to containerized solutions for running critical legacy applications in this 36-minute Docker conference talk. Learn about the challenges and successes of moving over 2,000 Linux and Windows instances to approximately 1,700 Cloud containers. Gain insights into significant learnings, infrastructure and operational ROIs, essential monitoring metrics, and valuable tips for increased uptime. Discover the perspectives of both infrastructure architects and system operators, as well as the realities faced by teams dockerizing legacy applications. Understand the importance of considering all aspects of the containerization process to achieve cost reduction and improved resource utilization.


Dockerizing Aurea

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