Docker and Kubernetes Tutorial - Full Course
Offered By: Amigoscode via YouTube
Course Description
- Introduction.
- Course Overview.
- What is Docker.
- Installing Docker.
- Verify Installation.
- Images & Containers.
- Pulling NGINX Image.
- Running Containers.
- Exposing Ports.
- Exposing Multiple Ports.
- Managing Containers.
- Naming Containers.
- Volumes.
- Volumes Between Host and Container.
- Customize Website.
- Volumes Between Containers.
- Dockerfile.
- Creating Dockerfile.
- Docker Build.
- Node JS and Express JS.
- Dockerfile for our API.
- Running Containers for our API.
- .dockerignore.
- Caching and Layers.
- Caching and Layers Part 2.
- Alpine.
- Pulling Alpine Images.
- Using Alpine.
- Tags and Versions.
- Using Tags with Versions.
- Running Containers and Tags.
- Tagging Override.
- Tagging Own Images.
- Running Containers with Different Tags.
- Docker Registry.
- Create Docker Hub Repo.
- Pushing Images to Docker Hub.
- Pulling Own Images.
- Docker Inspect.
- Docker Logs.
- Docker Exec.
- Kubernetes.
- Course Overview.
- What is Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Architecture.
- Pod, Service & Ingress.
- Config Map and Secret.
- Volumes.
- Deployments and Stateful Sets.
- Components Summary.
- Minikube and kubectl.
- Installing Minikube and kubectl.
- Create Deployment .
- Debugging Pods.
- kubectl apply -f.
- kubectl commands summary.
- Deploying MongoDB and Mongo Express.
- MongoDB Pod.
- Secret.
- MongoDB Internal Service.
- Deployment Service and Config Map.
- Mongo Express External Service.
- Congrats! You made it to the end .
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