Docker Adoption and Transformation - Stories from Enterprise Implementations

Offered By: Docker via YouTube


Docker Courses DevOps Courses Risk Management Courses Governance Courses Organizational Change Courses Team Building Courses Containerization Courses

Course Description


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Explore real-world experiences of Docker Enterprise adoption across multiple application teams in this 45-minute panel discussion featuring experts from Franklin American Mortgage, Alm Brand, and Bosch. Gain valuable insights into the cultural and technological challenges of implementing containerization strategies. Learn how these companies balanced risk reduction through planning and controls with the need for innovation and experimentation. Discover practical advice on assembling the right team, identifying quick wins, and implementing a phased rollout to minimize disruption. Understand the importance of governance in successful Docker implementations and how to navigate the paradigm shifts in traditional development and IT operations.


Docker Adoption and Transformation: Stories from Franklin American Mortgage, Alm Brand, and Bosch

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