Profiling the Unprofilable
Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore advanced profiling techniques and performance optimization strategies in this conference talk from EuroPython 2016. Dive deep into Vmprof, a statistical profiler developed by the PyPy team, and learn how to effectively use it to identify performance bottlenecks in challenging scenarios. Follow along as the speaker applies Vmprof to profile the Python Debugger, an open-source project used in popular IDEs. Discover how to leverage Cython to optimize the identified performance issues. Gain valuable insights into profiling methodologies, the implementation of Vmprof, and practical approaches to resolving performance bottlenecks in various Python development contexts, including web applications and debuggers.
Dmitry Trofimov - Profiling the unprofilable
Taught by
EuroPython Conference
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