DIY Renderfarm Building Tutorial for Distributed Blender Rendering

Offered By: CG Cookie via YouTube


Blender Courses Linux Courses Windows Courses Computer Graphics Courses 3d Animation Courses

Course Description


Learn how to build and set up a DIY render farm for distributed Blender rendering in this comprehensive 59-minute tutorial. Discover the benefits of using multiple networked computers to significantly reduce rendering time for your 3D projects. Explore three key stages: building a custom farm unit, networking machines on a local network, and utilizing Blender's Network Render addon. Gain insights into setting up render nodes on various operating systems, including Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. Master the process of controlling multiple render nodes from a master machine using VNC. Understand how to launch, dispatch, manage, and monitor render jobs efficiently. Whether you're working with a custom-built cluster or a collection of arbitrary computers, this tutorial equips you with the knowledge to harness the power of network rendering, making high-level productivity accessible regardless of budget constraints.


DIY Renderfarm Building Tutorial for Distributed Blender Rendering

Taught by

CG Cookie

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