How to Create a Blog Page Using the Blog Module and Sliders

Offered By: Wade McMaster via YouTube


Divi Theme Courses WordPress Courses

Course Description


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Create a custom blog page using the Divi theme's Blog module and sliders in WordPress. Learn how to design an engaging layout with a sidebar, explore various blog module options, and implement post sliders for a dynamic presentation. Master the art of styling your blog page, including tips on creating attractive headers, multi-column layouts, and call-to-action sections. This comprehensive tutorial guides you through the entire process, from initial setup in the Page/Theme Builder to final adjustments, empowering you to craft a visually appealing and functional blog page that showcases your latest posts effectively.


- Introduction & Page/Theme Builder Settings
- Page Builder Tutorial / Page header
- Creating a Basic Blog Page Layout with Sidebar
- Blog Module Basic Options & Layouts
- 3 Column Blog layout
- Some basic tips on styling
- Basic Call to Action underneath
- Working with Post Sliders
- Some final Adjustments & Review

Taught by

Wade McMaster

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