Developing Microservices Like a Boss with Dapr and Azure Container Apps

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Cloud Computing Courses Microservices Courses Distributed Systems Courses Application Development Courses Azure Container Apps Courses Dapr Courses

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Discover how to efficiently build, deploy, and manage distributed applications using Dapr and Azure Container Apps in this conference talk from NDC Oslo 2023. Learn why this powerful combination removes friction in microservices development, allowing you to focus on your application logic rather than infrastructure concerns. Explore Dapr's open-source distributed application runtime and its building blocks that simplify service invocation, pub/sub messaging, and state management. Gain insights into Azure Container Apps' capabilities for hosting microservice applications, including seamless deployment, monitoring, and scaling without the need for expensive infrastructure provisioning. Understand how to leverage these technologies to quickly develop and deploy cloud-based distributed applications, with the added benefit of scaling to zero during periods of inactivity for cost optimization.


Developing microservices like a boss with Dapr and Azure Container Apps - Jakob Ehn - NDC Oslo 2023

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NDC Conferences

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