Develop Android Context Hub Runtime Environment (CHRE) Nanoapps in WebAssembly

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


WebAssembly Courses Mobile Development Courses Android Development Courses Embedded Systems Courses System Security Courses Low-Power Computing Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to develop Android Context Hub Runtime Environment (CHRE) Nanoapps using WebAssembly in this informative conference talk. Explore the CHRE-Wasm project, which introduces WebAssembly as a new target for nanoapps, enhancing system security and enabling cross-architecture binary distribution. Discover the challenges faced in transitioning CHRE to WebAssembly and the innovative solutions developed. Gain valuable insights into moving legacy platforms to WebAssembly and understand the benefits of considering Wasm for application development in new platforms. Delve into the design principles for creating platforms with native Wasm support, and learn how this approach can improve battery life, user experience, and enable always-on, contextually aware features in low-power processors.


Develop the Android Context Hub Runtime Environment (CHRE) Nanoapps in WebAssembly - Mingqiu Sun

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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