Determinant CBSE Class 12 Mathematics
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
In this course, you will learn all about Determinants with numerical examples for CBSE class 12 Mathematics. You will learn about evaluation of determinant by expansion method, properties of determinant, area of triangles and equation of straight line using determinant, minors and cofactors in determinant, inverse of a matrix, consistent and inconsistent systems of equations, and much more.
Evaluation of Determinant (expansion method) | CBSE XII Maths & competitive exams| NCERT Ex 4.1intro.
NCERT Class 12 Maths Exercise 4.1 ( Determinant Evaluation by expansion method).
Properties of Determinant | CBSE XII Maths & Competitive exams | NCERT XII Maths Ex4.2 concepts.
NCERT ClassXII Maths ( Exercise 4.2 based on Properties of Determinant).
Area of Triangles & Eq of straight line using Determinant|CBSE 12 Maths| NCERT Ex 4.3 intro.
NCERT Class 12 Maths | Ch 4 Determinant Exercise 4.3 hints and solution.
Minors and Cofactors in Determinant|CBSE 12 Maths & competitive exams| NCERT Ex4.4 intro.
NCERT 12 Maths Ch 4 Determinant | Ex 4.4 hints and solutions.
Inverse of a Matrix (Determinant Method) | CBSE 12 Maths & competitive | NCERT Ex 4.5 intro.
NCERT 12 Maths Ch 4 Determinant | Ex 4.5 hints and solutions.
Consistent & Inconsistent system of equations | CBSE 12 Maths | NCERT Ex 4.6 intro.
NCERT 12 Maths Ch 4 Determinants | Ex 4.6 hints & solutions.
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cbseclass videos
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