Describing Blaschke Products by Their Critical Points
Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of Blaschke products and their critical points in this comprehensive lecture by Oleg Ivrii from Tel Aviv University. Delve into topics such as the Frostman shift, inner functions, and their decomposition. Examine the Gauss curvature equation, Lukas theorem, Collins theorem, and Roberts theorem. Investigate ongoing research in the field, including critical values and their relationship to inner functions. Gain valuable insights into this advanced mathematical concept as part of the Focus Program on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications at the Fields Institute.
Critical points
Frostman shift
Inner functions
Decomposition of inner functions
Gauss curvature equation
Lukas theorem
Collins theorem
Roberts theorem
Work in progress
Critical values
Inner functions have critical values
Taught by
Fields Institute
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