Delivering Security Fixes Continuously Into Your Embedded Linux

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Embedded Linux Courses Cybersecurity Courses Yocto Project Courses Continuous Integration Courses Test Automation Courses Open Source Courses

Course Description


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Explore the challenges and solutions for delivering continuous security fixes to embedded Linux systems in this informative conference talk. Learn about the growing need for cybersecurity in embedded systems and the difficulties product developers face when implementing security fixes from open source communities. Discover appropriate update models and processes, including test automation and CI/CD, to keep embedded Linux ready for security updates. Understand the importance of minimizing out-of-tree code to maintain consistency with upstream ecosystems. Examine a real-world example of providing continuous security fixes through EMLinux, a Yocto-based embedded Linux environment that leverages the CIP kernel and Debian packages. Gain insights into contributions made to various open source communities, including the Linux LTS kernel and KernelCI, through EMLinux development.


Delivering Security Fixes Continuously Into Your Embedded Linux - Hiraku Toyooka, Cybertrust Japan

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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