Deformations of Semi-Smooth Varieties

Offered By: IMSA via YouTube


Deformation Theory Courses Algebraic Geometry Courses

Course Description


Explore a 42-minute lecture on the deformations of semi-smooth varieties presented by Marco Franciosi on behalf of Rita Pardini from the Universita' di Pisa. Delve into the definition of semi-smooth varieties, their characterization through étale topology, and their construction from smooth varieties. Examine the explicit description of the tangent sheaf T_X and the sheaf T^1_X, which control the deformation theory of semi-smooth varieties. Investigate the application of this theory to the smoothability of semi-smooth Godeaux surfaces. Learn about the collaborative work with Barbara Fantechi and Marco Franciosi, covering topics such as introduction, motivation, smooth and semi-smooth varieties, proofs, and concluding with a Q&A session.


Same Smooth
SemiSmooth Varieties
Original Motivation

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