Deep Dive Into Microsoft Teams JS SDK V2 for Extending Teams Apps to Outlook & Office.com

Offered By: Microsoft via YouTube


Microsoft Teams Courses Backwards Compatibility Courses

Course Description


Dive deep into the Microsoft Teams JS SDK v2 and learn how to extend Teams apps to Outlook and Office.com in this 26-minute conference talk from Microsoft Build 2022. Explore the SDK's capability model, including creating contextually relevant experiences within host Microsoft 365 apps while maintaining existing Teams experiences. Discover the benefits for developers and end users, compatibility with v1, and MultiHost Support. Understand the logical groupings of APIs, host-specific vs. agnostic capabilities, and guidelines for hostname usage. Watch a live demo of extending a Teams app across Outlook and Office.com, and get a sneak peek into the Visual Studio Code Editor. Learn about developer promises, partner experiences, and how to get started with this powerful new SDK.


Rabia Williams, Cloud Advocate at Microsoft 365, Microsoft.
Jessica Koch, Software Engineer 2, Microsoft.
Why extend Teams apps to Outlook and Office.com.
End users.
Compatibility with v1.
Developer Facing Milestone.
Teams JS SDK v2 .
MultiHost Support.
Capabilities; Logical groupings of APIs that provide similar functionality.
Host Specific vs Agnostic Capabilities.
How to determine which M365 host app your app is running in (Guidelines for hostname usage).
Backwards Compat and Promises.
Capability Deep Dive; Chat.
Workflow; Calendar Capability.
Watch a Teams app extended to Outlook and Office.com.
Demo; Extend a Teams app across Outlook and Office.com using the new Teams JS SDK v2 .
Sneak peek into the Visual Studio Code Editor.
Developer Promises.
Referencing the breakout session BRK40; Build collaborative apps with Teams and Microsoft 365 services.
Feedback from partners' experiences.
How to get started.

Taught by

Microsoft Developer


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