Deep Dive - Harbor - Enterprise Cloud Native Artifact Registry

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Conference Talks Courses User Experience Courses Helm Charts Courses Harbor Courses Artifact Registry Courses

Course Description


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Explore the evolution and future roadmap of Harbor, an open-source trusted cloud-native registry project, in this conference talk. Dive into the details of Harbor's development to support various cloud-native artifacts like Image, Helm Chart, CNAB, and OPA bundle with unified user experiences. Learn about Harbor's journey to become the best OCI-compatible cloud-native artifact registry. Discover upcoming features such as non-blocking online GC, Proxy cache, P2P distribution, and EDGE computing support. Get insights into the current status of the Harbor community and opportunities for participation. Gain valuable knowledge about container image and Helm Chart management solutions for organizations of all sizes.


Deep Dive: Harbor - Enterprise Cloud Native Artifact Registry - Steven Zou & Daniel Jiang, VMware

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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