Deep Decoder: Concise Image Representations from Untrained Networks - Lecture 2
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Deep Decoder: Concise Image Representations from Untrained Networks Lecture 2
Recovering images from few data requires a model for natural images
Models for Natural Images: Wavelets + Sparsity
Models for Natural Images: Sparse Coding
Models for natural images: neural nets trained on large datasets
This talk: Untrained neural nets as a model of natural images
The deep decoder
Image compression
In contrast to deep decoder, other neural net architectures are complicated
Solving inverse problems with the deep decoder
Inverse problem
Image recovery with models
Denoising performance
Deep decoder is on par with state of the art for denoising
Why does the deep decoder work?
Why does the deep decoder denoise so well?
The deep decoder
Theory: Deep Decoder can only fit so much noise
Denoising rates
Deep image prior [ Ulyanov et al., '18]
Comparison to denoising with deep image prior [Ulyanov et al., '18]
How can linear upsampling, ReLUs, and liner combinations synthesize images efficiently?
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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