Micro Frontends – A Strive for Fully Verticalized Systems

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Microservices Courses Scalability Courses Orchestration Courses Choreography Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of micro frontends in this comprehensive conference talk from Devoxx. Dive into the extension of microservice architecture principles to frontend development, addressing the challenges of frontend monoliths in microservice-based systems. Learn about end-to-end verticals, orchestration vs. choreography implementations, and the trade-offs in reusability. Examine the advantages and challenges of micro frontends based on real-world customer projects, and gain insights to determine if this approach is suitable for your specific needs. Discover key concepts such as the Amazon approach vs. web component approach, the impact of SPAs on micro frontends, consumer-driven endpoints vs. generic ones, backend-for-frontend patterns, and defining appropriate deployment units. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of micro frontends to make informed decisions about implementing this architecture in your projects.


David Leitner - Micro Frontends – a strive for fully verticalized systems

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