Subtly Knotted Surfaces Separated by Many Internal Stabilizations
Offered By: IMSA via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a conference talk from the Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology event that delves into the intricacies of smoothly knotted surfaces in 4-manifolds. Discover how infinite collections of surfaces can represent homology classes in smooth four-manifolds, with diffeomorphisms between any two surfaces in the collection being topologically isotopic to the identity, smoothly pseudoisotopic to the identity, and becoming smoothly isotopic to the identity after one external stabilization. Learn about the concept of internal stabilization diameter and its implications for these surface collections. Gain insights into the complexities of low-dimensional topology and the subtle differences between smooth and topological categories in 4-manifold theory.
Dave Auckly, Kansas State Univ: Subtly knotted surfaces separated by many internal stabilizations
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