Data Security: How Apache Ozone Ensures Storage and Access Security of Data

Offered By: The ASF via YouTube


Access Control Courses Authorization Courses Data Security Courses Data Encryption Courses Data Replication Courses Apache Ozone Courses

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Explore the robust data security features of Apache Ozone, the next-generation distributed storage system under the Apache Foundation. Delve into the comprehensive security measures implemented by this scalable storage solution, which supports both S3 object protocol and Hadoop file system. Learn about data storage reliability, replica disaster recovery, data inspection, and verification processes. Discover how Ozone ensures access security through authentication, authorization, encryption, and logging mechanisms. Gain insights into how these features combine to create a secure and reliable big data storage system that supports various computing engines like MR, Hive, Spark, and Impala, while also allowing AWS client access. Presented by Chen Yi, Chief Storage Engineer at Cloudera and Chairman of the Apache Ozone open source community PMC, this 44-minute talk offers valuable knowledge for professionals interested in distributed storage and data security.


Data Security: How Apache Ozone Ensures Storage And Access Security Of Data

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