Attack on Titan M, Reloaded - Vulnerability Research on a Modern Security Chip

Offered By: Ekoparty Security Conference via YouTube


Ekoparty Security Conference Courses Exploit Development Courses Static Analysis Courses Fuzzing Courses Vulnerability Research Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive security analysis of Google's Titan M chip in this 36-minute conference talk from Ekoparty 2022. Dive into the vulnerability research conducted on this modern security chip, designed to protect against hardware-level vulnerabilities in Pixel 3 devices. Learn about various analysis techniques, including static analysis, fuzzing, and dynamic symbolic execution, and understand their effectiveness and limitations. Examine the discovery and exploitation of CVE-2022-20233, a vulnerability that allowed setting a single byte to 1, and see how it was leveraged to achieve code execution and leak secrets from the secure chip. Gain insights into advanced hardware security research methodologies and their practical applications in defeating protection mechanisms.


Damiano Melotti - Attack on Titan M, Reloaded: Vulnerability Research on a Modern Security Chip

Taught by

Ekoparty Security Conference

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