Cryptography in Distributed Systems

Offered By: RSA Conference via YouTube


RSA Conference Courses Cryptography Courses Distributed Systems Courses Security Analysis Courses Schnorr Signatures Courses

Course Description


Explore cutting-edge cryptography applications in distributed systems through this RSA Conference session. Delve into multi-party revocation in Sovrin, examining performance improvements through distributed trust. Investigate the balance between privacy and accountability in blockchain identity management. Learn about non-interactive half-aggregation of EdDSA and Schnorr signature variants. Gain insights into accumulators in digital identity management, MPC protocols, keyless q-SDH benchmarks, distributed payment systems, and anonymous credentials. Analyze security aspects, Schnorr signatures, and signature aggregation techniques. Discover how to compress blockchains and understand the intricacies of Sigma Protocols for discrete logarithm instances and Schnorr signature proofs of knowledge.


Accumulators in Digital Identity Management
Digital Identity Management - Authentication
Digital Identity Management - Anonymous Credentials
Digital Identity Management - Accumulator updates
MPC protocols and Implementation
Keyless q-SDH benchmark
Distributed payment systems
Account Creation in more detail
Anonymity Revocation
Accounts Tracing
Cryptographic Tools and Techniques
Security Analysis
Schnorr Signatures
Signature Aggregation
Application: Compressing Blockchains
Problem Scope
Quick recap: Sigma Protocol for relation R
Sigma Protocol for Pok of Schnorr Signature
Compressing Poks for n discrete logarithm instances
Compressed Sigma Protocol for Pok of n Schnorr Sigs
From Sigma Protocol to Non-interactive Pok
Apply these constructions

Taught by

RSA Conference

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