Crossing the Divide - How GitOps Brought AppDev and Platform Teams Together

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


GitOps Courses DevOps Courses Change Management Courses Application Development Courses Team Collaboration Courses Continuous Deployment Courses Platform Engineering Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 19-minute conference talk that delves into how GitOps methodology bridged the gap between Application Development and Platform teams. Learn from Priyanka "Pinky" Ravi of Weaveworks and her former colleague Russ from State Farm as they share their diverse experiences in application change management. Discover the benefits of adopting GitOps while hearing about the complex challenges and convoluted solutions of previous deployment strategies. Gain insights from both sides of the App Dev/Platform divide, including historical context and differing perspectives on deployment system functionality. Prepare for candid discussions about past horror stories, ill-conceived solutions, and unnecessary problems, contrasted with the improvements brought by GitOps implementation.


Crossing the Divide: How GitOps Brought AppDev & Platform Teams Together! - Priyanka "Pinky" Ravi

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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