Sending Secrets - Cryptography & Privacy in a Quantum World
Offered By: Santa Fe Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of cryptography in this public lecture by Cris Moore at the Santa Fe Institute. Delve into the evolution of secret communication methods, from ancient techniques like invisible ink to modern e-commerce encryption based on prime numbers. Discover how cryptosystems function, tracing their development from Caesar and the Kama Sutra to contemporary digital security. Gain insights into the potential impact of quantum computers on current encryption methods and learn about emerging cryptographic techniques that may withstand quantum computing challenges. Understand complex concepts through accessible explanations, requiring only high school-level mathematics. Journey through topics such as frequency analysis, modular arithmetic, factoring, quantum mechanics, error-correcting codes, and group representation theory. Explore the implications of these advancements for privacy and security in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Julius Caesar
Frequency Analysis
Jefferson Cipher
Enigma Machine
OneTime Pad
Modular Arithmetic
The Crypto System
Light is a wave
Factoring numbers
Free Analysis
Quantum Computers
Error Correcting Codes
Alices Scrambled Code
Graph isomorphism
Group Representation Theory
Symmetries of the World
The Bad News
The Difficulty with Cryptography
The eavesdropper
Taught by
Santa Fe Institute
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